Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A choice out of choices

This conclusion is so inflexible
A choice out of choices
No acquaintance if right or wrong
Not foreseeing rejoices or regrets
I witness all the risks staring at me

The sun burns a scare in time
Time, he is not on my plane
He progress with he’s journey to eternity
He doesn’t bother to glance back
He definitely is passing me by

As I stand like a deceased tree
I got a cut and life is bleeding from me
As it drains my spotlight leaving me motionless
The doctors are excessively far away
I’m losing direction, I’m shuddering to pieces

I got to get back on my feet
Tell time to hold up and stay
Carry my gear and stroll
I got to acquire that hazard
And craft that marvellous choice

The world is sleeping

Open your eyes to see
The beast is rising from the sea
Still you wake up to drink the tea
Instead the saints are down on their knees

Look around you and realise
The dark is working in shadows
A child trades her soul in desperation
She’s in and in it forever

Seduction is in the air we breathe
As darkness move into cracks of the mind
Wiping morality out of mankind
Earth is never the same

I hear the dark singing
Get ready for the latest civilization ruling
Only if you’re Heaven sent shall you make it
Through the chaos that shall rise

I see a place of fame
A prosperous nation become an instrument
The instrument wipes out the faith
It enlighten them with darkness

Not so far I see the forbidden one
Walking the streets of cities
With him holding a black blade
He art a throne for himself

Yet with all these the world sleeps
The future is very bleak
Christ Jesus’ tears fall in torrents
The Earth is nearly in a complete eclipse

Not so far the Spirit is descending
To keep a promise to the saints
To reconstruct and to restore
The beloved Jerusalem

The truth about Guardian Angels

There was an angel standing beside the river bank. An angel who seems to not fly away when you approach. The angel is facing down watching the gentle water as the shining river flow under the sun.

When you look at the angel's face. You seem to recognise this face. You move closer for verification. The angel just looked at you, not saying a word as if though the angel have long waited for you, as if the angel did know you will come at some time.

You are at shock when realising whose face it is, who is an angel. A guardian angel indeed. Quiet, humble but always taking care of you in times of need.
Even though you don't recognise them, they live. The gaurdian angels who live beside us day and night.

World of Hell

Benjamin is a man who thinks of nothing but success day and night. His life is a tragedy since he never succeeded in anything and has tried everything he knows to be at least successful in something. He believed this world and everything in it is made for him and everything rotates around him, this made him selfish, unforgiving and unadvisable.

It occurs that a day came that changed everything in his life of failure. He was sitting in the corner of the street in the town where he lived when a strange man approached him wearing an ankle length jacket and a very big cowboy hat that shades his entire face. He looked at the man and could immediately sense something strange about him. The strange man said, “My name is success, I am your dreams and I came as your salvation.” Benjamin was surprised, he stood up trying to figure out if what the man was saying is true or not. Benjamin said, “What do I have to do to be successful in life.” The strange man replied, “I have all the power in the world to do anything you may wish but I won’t lie to you, I want your soul in return.”

Benjamin was terrified. He was now shaking in fear and he said, “Are you the devil? Can it really be true?” The strange man replied, “Yes I am and don’t be afraid, I know God abandoned you long ago but I have come to give you heaven.” With that the strange man transported Benjamin to a strange place.

Benjamin and the strange man were standing in a small piece of land in the middle of a lake. Not far to the east beyond the lake there was a beautiful palace built out of golden stones and had a transparent roof made of shinning diamonds. There was an enchanting garden surrounding the palace and in it was every kind of flower. The sunset made a spectacular display of the palace.

Benjamin asked as he fell down on his knees with amazement: “Is this Heaven.” The strange man replied, “No, this is what I will give you, I will also make you the president of your country and give you all the wealth you can imagine.” Benjamin said, “Give it to me please, I’ll do whatever you want. The strange man replied, “I only want your soul.” Benjamin was so amazed by what he saw that he didn’t even consider the consequences, so he just replied a yes.

At once he woke up at this beautiful bedroom, he looked out the window and found out he was indeed in the palace he saw and he was the president of his country with all the wealth he ever dreamt of. He was so happy that he felt he was in a heaven. It was heaven for a whole week until he was suspended from presidency due to lack of experience and later permanently fired. He soon found out he was in deep depth and had to sell his palace and all his wealth.

Benjamin was sitting down in the same corner of the street cursing himself for being so foolish in trusting the devil when the strange man reappeared and approached to him again. He was so angry about his life’s disaster that he started blaming the strange man and demanded another palace. The strange man said, “I have not come to give but to take what belongs to me.” He laughed in an evil way and continues,”You and I are so much similar.”

Benjamin was so afraid he was shaking and said, “No, please you can’t take my soul, I still want to live. Please God help me, I know now that you exist, please hear my cries. The strange man laughed hard. Benjamin felt something like a stone blocking his wind pipe. He struggled to breathe and tears came out of his eyes. He fell to the ground as people rush and gathered trying to help him. He saw them pass through the strange man as if he wasn’t there. Benjamin was in great pain as he peed into his trousers. After a few minutes of struggling gave up and died.

He woke up in a strange place where the whole earth was a yard of endless graves. The sky was dark and misty and there was neither living plant nor a rat wondering around. “Is this the world of the dead” he thought. He was alone and suddenly the strange man appeared and said, “Welcome to the world of hell also known as the world of the dead. You will be here alone with your regrets until the end of time. This is the place were lost dreams and hopes reside, where all life end in tragedy, Where everyday you will endure the same endless pain, where there is no hope and no love. I am the bringer of death and this is my home, our home Benjamin, forever.”

What happened when I can't find love?

Charlie found himself on a date with the most beautiful woman in the world. His date Jessica is a girl about his age. They were sitting in a restaurant having a meal together. The place had less people, so it was quiet and a soft music was playing. He held her hands in his admiring her soft tender skin. "Gorgeous, brilliant, awesome, lovely, cute" Charlie thought. He did not notice that as he was thinking he was whispering those words. Jessica said, "Thank you Charlie that is so nice." He immediately blushed because he was very shy around her.

All that Charlie could think of that day was his girlfriend Jessica. They have recently just met and now he was so crazy about her. He brought her home in his car and then drove to his apartment. Before he got there he stopped when he saw his friend Cheryl. She was looking more beautiful than the last time he saw her. They are very good and close friends who share almost everything and they were so open to each other. He called her and gives her ride to where she was going. They talked a lot about their lives. He was surprised that she was looking at him in a different way than usual. Once he dropped her he rushed to his apartment. All that was in his mind was Jessica; her voice was still repeating itself over and over in his mind.

The next morning he was desperate to see Jessica again. He was sure he had missed her a lot even though it was just one night. He called her on her cell phone to tell her he was coming; she just said its okay.

Within an hour he was there. When he out of his car he saw Jessica. She had worn a beautiful knee length dress that showed the figure of her body and she was smiling and talking to someone. That's when he saw a guy talking to Jessica. He held her in his arms, kissed her forehead and said "you look beautiful today, what's up?" She replied, "ah nothing much, just the usual." Charlie was very angry and jealous. He couldn't believe another guy was trying to take her precious girlfriend and that she is cheating on him. He walked towards Jessica and said, "Hi." She greeted him, hanged him and gave him a kiss. Charlie was still disturbed. He was hurting inside but couldn't confront her. The other guy seemed to not mind Charlie's presence. Charlie tried to cover up his feelings and faked a smile but Jessica saw right through it and asked, "Charlie what is wrong?" Charlie replied "nothing." Jessica then said with a sense of regret "Oh, I'm sorry Charlie. This is my brother Jeff. Sorry that I didn't tell you." Charlie was relieved.

Charlie got a call from his room mate Christopher and he said "Hey Charlie, I got some very important information about your girlfriend Jessica that I have to tell you. I just heard that recently she was caught making love with her brother at their home, their parents were so embarrassed but Jessica was proud of it. No one yet knows if Jessica and her brother are still in love but Charlie be careful, you might be walking right into a trap. I'm leaving for the weekend and will be back on Monday, good luck Charlie." The call ended.

Charlie's fingers were shaking as he couldn't believe what he just heard but it leaves him with no choice but to believe. Jessica said "What's wrong Charlie?" she had a troubled face and seems to be worried about him. Charlie replied "How could you. After I loved you and trusted you why didn't you tell me Jessica? How could you and your brother do such a thing?" Jessica smiled "oh you found out that's nice but too bad you and I didn't last that long. I'm a paper chaser boy and this here is my only love. Let's go Jeff." Jessica and Jeff hugged each other and slowly walked away. Charlie was so heart broken he couldn't even think straight. Jessica's last words pierced through his heart like a knife cutting with no resistance at all. He got on his car and drove back to his apartment.

Once he was there he cried and cried until he fell fast asleep. When he woke up he took his phone and browsed for a friend's contact to call. He called Cheryl and told her what happened. She told him she was coming over right away. Charlie told her he was never found love in his life that worked out for more that a week. Every time he thinks he has found the one, soon he finds out it's all just a game. He told her that this was not the first time it happened; it is actually the fifth time. Cheryl looked at him with a sorry in his face.

Then Charlie said "I tried dating all kind of girls but none of them worked out." Charlie had a concerned look in his face as he continued talking to Cheryl "oh no, how could I have missed it when it's right in front of me. I have tried all the girls except," there was a brief pause. Charlie looked at Cheryl and said "Cheryl, I love you."