Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The world is sleeping

Open your eyes to see
The beast is rising from the sea
Still you wake up to drink the tea
Instead the saints are down on their knees

Look around you and realise
The dark is working in shadows
A child trades her soul in desperation
She’s in and in it forever

Seduction is in the air we breathe
As darkness move into cracks of the mind
Wiping morality out of mankind
Earth is never the same

I hear the dark singing
Get ready for the latest civilization ruling
Only if you’re Heaven sent shall you make it
Through the chaos that shall rise

I see a place of fame
A prosperous nation become an instrument
The instrument wipes out the faith
It enlighten them with darkness

Not so far I see the forbidden one
Walking the streets of cities
With him holding a black blade
He art a throne for himself

Yet with all these the world sleeps
The future is very bleak
Christ Jesus’ tears fall in torrents
The Earth is nearly in a complete eclipse

Not so far the Spirit is descending
To keep a promise to the saints
To reconstruct and to restore
The beloved Jerusalem

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