Wednesday, October 26, 2011

You're love is wicked

I hate the way I really love you
It is a poison in my veins
And it spreads on to my life like flu
I sacrificed a lot of opportunities for you
But is this what I deserve for loving you so

How can you treat me like crap after all this
I am like garbage to you that you’re so disgusted to talk about
You look at me like I’m some teenage fool
Who is a slave of your dark side
And all the while you never did tell me you love me
But why is it hard for you to tell me you hate me

I dug this grave for myself and I’m gonna to climb out of it
Take your love back if this is what love is to you
I don’t want to be loved by a selfish bitch
Who pretends that love is a game wherein she is a god
Yeah I’m deserting you so go love someone else and show em what you showed me

Even though I really loved you
I’m gonna climb to the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro
To shout to the world
That you’re love is wicked

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