Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A choice out of choices

This conclusion is so inflexible
A choice out of choices
No acquaintance if right or wrong
Not foreseeing rejoices or regrets
I witness all the risks staring at me

The sun burns a scare in time
Time, he is not on my plane
He progress with he’s journey to eternity
He doesn’t bother to glance back
He definitely is passing me by

As I stand like a deceased tree
I got a cut and life is bleeding from me
As it drains my spotlight leaving me motionless
The doctors are excessively far away
I’m losing direction, I’m shuddering to pieces

I got to get back on my feet
Tell time to hold up and stay
Carry my gear and stroll
I got to acquire that hazard
And craft that marvellous choice

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